• stop talking and start listening!
  • Learning is NOT work.
  • Motivation!

Behaviour Management

I am convinced that behaviour problems stem from the disengagement of students.

As educators it is our duty to learn to teach how they learn and in return to allow them to teach as we learn. Students know much more than we give them credit. We must allow this learning to surface through an understanding of each individual’s learning patterns.

Don't reward negative behaviour with your attention...that's why they keep doing it!

Students 'muck up' because they are looking for status. Give it to them on your terms or they will take it on theirs.

We must develop a deep understanding of each student's needs.

Walk into a class unhappy, preoccupied, angry, carelessly, and they will respond accordingly.

Student behaviour is revealing to you what the student is thinking and feeling about his life.

Learning is NOT work. I believe we should stop talking and start listening.

Students are always watching…what are we teaching them?

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Who I am

I am an experienced teacher, who wants to share the highs and lows of my learning journey in and out of the classroom.

What I do

I work with educators, students and parents sharing insights, theories and practical applications into the way we learn and behave and how this can assist us in being the best we can be.

Contact me

Want to find out more about how to engage with learning for your students, teachers, parents or work colleagues?

M: 0418 836 366

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

W: www.joprestia.com.au